Friday, October 26, 2007


Yesterday i managed to finish off my tool box. This involved finishing my sliding tray and putting 2 coats of varnish on. I was really happy with my end product and i thought the varnish put a lot of colour into it. I thought that the knots in the timber made it really hard to work with but once the varnish was on they looked better than the rest of the timber.

Today we spent some of the morning in the workshop but i was already finished so i helped Rob glue up his tool box and put all the clamps on. After that we went into the withdrawal room and we talked about the construction sequence. All of our notes got put down on the white board and then were later copied and photo copied for everyone else. We also completed our costing sheet and the take 5. I thought that things went much quicker this time because everyone did it as a team and contributed.

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