Monday, February 11, 2008


Today we started off in the classroom. We started off by going over yesterdays home work. I thought that it was really easy even though i struggled to think by the time i got to it last night. For our home work we were given a plan and we had to calculate how much timber we needed to construct the wall frames. After we did that we went outside and began set out for our own wall frames. first of all we had to cut the plates to length and lay them out where they need to be. after that we started marking them. This was a lot easier than i thought it was going to be. After we finished that we had to put some sheets down to finish a bit more of the floor off. I wasn't very helpful during this because i can't lift the sheets with my bad knee, althogh i still managed to cut one and screw a few down. After that we went back into the class room and did a tiny bit more on our drawings. Today i learnt a lot about wall frames that i didn't know before but i still think there isn't much to it.

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