Thursday, October 18, 2007


Today we started off by organising our portfolios and finishing up on the saw horse project. This included finishing the self analysis and writing up the construction sequence. After we wrote up the construction sequence we went over a couple as a class and talked about some good and bad things about them. My construction sequence was good but would of been even better with a bit more detail. After we did that we started a bit of planning on our new project which is a carry all. I thought that the planning was good because everyone had an input and each person could also change it to suit what they want. After we had our talk we got some brown paper and started our drawings. I think the drawings are going much better and quicker than the last one. I think this is because everyone knows what they are doing and have now had a bit of practise. So far i am happy with my drawing but i am looking forward to building it.

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