Friday, October 26, 2007


Yesterday i managed to finish off my tool box. This involved finishing my sliding tray and putting 2 coats of varnish on. I was really happy with my end product and i thought the varnish put a lot of colour into it. I thought that the knots in the timber made it really hard to work with but once the varnish was on they looked better than the rest of the timber.

Today we spent some of the morning in the workshop but i was already finished so i helped Rob glue up his tool box and put all the clamps on. After that we went into the withdrawal room and we talked about the construction sequence. All of our notes got put down on the white board and then were later copied and photo copied for everyone else. We also completed our costing sheet and the take 5. I thought that things went much quicker this time because everyone did it as a team and contributed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Yesterday we spent most of the day working on our tool box. i started off by cutting out the square dovetails on the ends and sides but i did them as pairs. this went pretty well for me and i didn't have any problems. After that i did the rebate on the side and ends so i could cut the square dovetails on the bottom. that was all i got to do in the workshop yesterday. The erst off the day we did work on the construction sequence and did research on glues. I did my research with Rhys and we did Sikaflex Construction. At the end of the day we did a little presentation on what we had researched and that's where we found that the Sikaflex product we did was really a sealant.

Today we worked in the workshop up until lunch and i managed to cut out the angles on my ends and chisel out where the handle went through. I thought i did this pretty good as well because everything worked out really well and didn't need many adjustments. Before lunch i also managed to get the runners for the sliding tray on. After lunch we had a small test to do where we had 23 questions to answer. most of these were on the saw horse project but there was a couple of extras in there that weren't related to the saw horse. After we did that we went back into the workshop and did some more work. I got to plane down some pieces for my sliding tray before quickly marking up some square dovetails out. After i cut them out i was really happy because most of them didn't need much more before they went together. I am now doing a few finishing touches but I'm not quite finished on that part yet.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Today we started off by organising our portfolios and finishing up on the saw horse project. This included finishing the self analysis and writing up the construction sequence. After we wrote up the construction sequence we went over a couple as a class and talked about some good and bad things about them. My construction sequence was good but would of been even better with a bit more detail. After we did that we started a bit of planning on our new project which is a carry all. I thought that the planning was good because everyone had an input and each person could also change it to suit what they want. After we had our talk we got some brown paper and started our drawings. I think the drawings are going much better and quicker than the last one. I think this is because everyone knows what they are doing and have now had a bit of practise. So far i am happy with my drawing but i am looking forward to building it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Yesterday we finished off our saw horses. I had never done one before and was really happy with my finished product. Next time i think i would still take a little bit more time to complete the finishing touches and get it looking better.Other than that i dont think there was too much more i could have done. My favourite part of the contruction sequence was cutting out the legs and spreader and putting them together because it was the most challenging part trying to get everything to sit right.