Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Today we started off planning out our saw horse. This involved a lot of different things like the take 5 which was to spot hazards and find out how to control them. We also did a materials list which involved listing the timber we needed but we had to order extra because the wood doesn't come cut to length it comes in multiples of 300 and only a few different thicknesses. there was also a quote which was to find out what the job would cost.I found that there was a lot more things to consider than i first thought.

After smoko we went into the workshop and drew up a map of all the fire safety equipment this included fire extinguishers, fire hoses, first aid kit, emergency exit and the power kill switch. I thought it was a bit weird that the emergency eye wash was not there and how there was obstructions in front of the fire extinguishers.

After lunch we went into the workshop and started drawing up our saw horse to a scale of 1:1 which means the dimensions on the plan will be the same as the finished product. I thought that this was pretty easy even though i made a careless error but i am now back on top of things.

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