Friday, September 7, 2007


Today we began building our saw horse. This was a little bit more difficult than i first thought because the plan didn't show how to get the bevel cuts. I didn't like how we had to plane 2 legs and machine the others instead i thought that they all should of been planed or all been cut. After smoko me and Greg went in to the withdrawl room and made our picture stories on the laptop. I thought that ours was ok but with more time could have been made a bit better. After lunch we did more work on our saw horse but everyone started loosing motivation because it is so close to the weekend

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today we finished off our drawings of the saw horse and put the finishing touches on like the formula and the cutting list. The finished product looked really good even though i didn't really like the drawing. The drawings were done in 2 different views and they were the plan view and the side view.

After lunch we had a guy from Perth come down and take us for a bit. His name was Tim and he got us doing research on a power tool so that we can set up a presentation tomorrow. This presentation will involve pictures, a bit of text, some music and voice overs. I went with Greg and we did the power saw. We found most of our information on the Makita site and we managed to find a picture of someones fingers that had been cut off by a power saw.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Today we started off planning out our saw horse. This involved a lot of different things like the take 5 which was to spot hazards and find out how to control them. We also did a materials list which involved listing the timber we needed but we had to order extra because the wood doesn't come cut to length it comes in multiples of 300 and only a few different thicknesses. there was also a quote which was to find out what the job would cost.I found that there was a lot more things to consider than i first thought.

After smoko we went into the workshop and drew up a map of all the fire safety equipment this included fire extinguishers, fire hoses, first aid kit, emergency exit and the power kill switch. I thought it was a bit weird that the emergency eye wash was not there and how there was obstructions in front of the fire extinguishers.

After lunch we went into the workshop and started drawing up our saw horse to a scale of 1:1 which means the dimensions on the plan will be the same as the finished product. I thought that this was pretty easy even though i made a careless error but i am now back on top of things.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Today we started of doing theory working on the same book as yesterday. While we were doing that we had Bernie come and see us with Gemma and got us to sign some paper work. After lunch we had a guy from Bell Fire come and talk to us about fire extinguishers. I thought that his talk was very informative and that he had a good attitude about the matter. I also liked the way he was loud because it kept me listening and stopped me zoning out. I liked it when the fires were lit and it helped me to see how effective the dry powder fire extinguisher was and useless the carbon dioxide fire extinguisher was. He also showed us how the dry powder shielded us from the heat. Over all i think his whole presentation was really good i learnt quite a bit.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Today we started off in the class room. We were given a heap of work books that we have to work through. Today we started off with a work book on hand and power tools that involved us looking through our own books (Practical Carpentry 1 and 2) to find the name of a few different tools. I thought this was a pretty easy task except not all the tools were in the books. After that we did a presentation in small groups to finish of our research on a selected material. I thought that this was a good way to finish up and show what we had learnt. After lunch we went in to the workshop where i started my assessment piece. So far i think i am doing pretty good even though i stuffed up with some setting out.