Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Over the last 3 days we have covered a lot of stuff on roofing and have even built a small roof. I really liked building the small roof and thought that it was also done to a pretty good standard considering we are learning as we go. The part that i enjoyed most was the gable because i am still getting used to putting them together and thought it was good to see other ways of doing it. I thought it was good cutting a separate pair of rafters to go under the trimmers and before now i would have never though to do it that way now i think it is good and will be something for me to take back to work. Apart from that i liked doing the scotch valley because its not something you get a lot of and was good for jogging the memory.

During the practical there was also a lot of maths involved with a bit of problem solving for example, i needed to get a 40 and 50 degree angle and i thought it would be a challenge to do it without the protractor so i used the red roofing book. i managed to get the angles for a 40 degree cut but the book stopped at 45 and didn't have 50 so after a bit of thought i decided square a line of the the 40 degree mark and because the 2 angles have to equal 90 it made 50.

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