Thursday, February 21, 2008


Yesterday we spent most of the day working on our cladding. I was Working with Rhys and i thought that we did a good job. We got our pine boards on really quick i believe this is because we got our end stopps on really straight and didn't have to measure all the boards. i also thoght that we did a good job cladding around the window because its a little bit tricky. when we had put a few boards on i compared it to the last wall and even though i think the ceddar boards look good i thought the pine looked just as goo because we had taken the time to pre drill all the holes so there wasn't one crack.

Today we started off in the morning by doing a bit of work on powder actuated tools. I thought that this was easy but at the same time i learned a lot. After some smoko we actually got to go out and fire one of the guns. The gun we fired was an indirect one which means there is a piston between the catridge and the nail. I was the second person to fire it and after the book work i was a bit nervous. After i fired it i was a bit suprised, firstly because it put a nail into concrete and also because the gun was nowhere near as bad as i thought it was gonna be. After that we finished the day by completing the booklet on the powder actuated tools and then organised our portfolio for the wall framing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Yesterday we started off in the classroom where we talked about our research on different types of cladding. After that we went into the workshop and were shown how to set out a hieght prop which helped us set out the lining boards and the timber cladding. I thought it was good how we took a little bit of time to do this because it made it a lot easier later and it also means you wont get stuck with one little piece later.

Once we were out side we had to put some pieces of timber on the corners. This acts as a stopper and covers the ends of the cladding. After that we put some foil on followed by a strip of timber where the boards went. This is to bring the bottom of the bottom board out. Once we started cladding everything started to go good but we ran out of ceddar boards and had to put in a block and start above it with a sheet.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


On Thursday the 14th we started manufacturing our wall frames. We started off by marking out our top and bottom plate. After that we marked out the studs at 450mm max centers remembering to put extra studs where walls join on and leaving gaps for windows and doors.

After everything was marked up we worked out how long the studs would be by getting the total hieght and taking off the hieghts of the top and bottom plate. After that we counted how many studs we would need and cut them. Once they were all cut we started nailing them to the top and bottom plate before measuring the noggings. When we nailed in the noggings we divided up the stud and because it was within 1350mm we just put them in the middle and staggered them so we could still get solid nials in. While someone was nailing noggings the others started cutting sill trimmers for under the windows and then the head trimmers for the tops of the windows and doors. As soon as the trimmers were nailed in we could then cut the jack studs for above and below the doors and windows.

As soon as all that was done we got the frames square by measusing the distance from corner to corner. After the frames was square we could then mark out for the bracing. When doing the bracing we had to remember that it couldn't go through windows or doors, it had to go from the top plate to the bottom plate and had to be between 30 and 60 degrees. If we weren't able to do this we had to use a different method which involved cutting trimmers on a 45 degree angle that went between the noggings. As soon as the trimmers reached a door or window we continued them on the 45 back the other way.

When all the frames were done we could then start the assembly.when we started assembling we choose to start at the back cause it is easier to finish at the front esspecially cause there was no room behind us. The first frame i thought was the hardest cause it had nothing to support it and needed bracing but after that was up it was easy because each from supported the next and we had to use less braces each time.

After all the frames were up we went back and did the final adjustments and made sure eveything was straight and secure. we also put extra trimmers where they were needed and cut out the bottom plates where the doors went.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Today we started off in the classroom. We started off by going over yesterdays home work. I thought that it was really easy even though i struggled to think by the time i got to it last night. For our home work we were given a plan and we had to calculate how much timber we needed to construct the wall frames. After we did that we went outside and began set out for our own wall frames. first of all we had to cut the plates to length and lay them out where they need to be. after that we started marking them. This was a lot easier than i thought it was going to be. After we finished that we had to put some sheets down to finish a bit more of the floor off. I wasn't very helpful during this because i can't lift the sheets with my bad knee, althogh i still managed to cut one and screw a few down. After that we went back into the class room and did a tiny bit more on our drawings. Today i learnt a lot about wall frames that i didn't know before but i still think there isn't much to it.