Friday, April 11, 2008


Over the past couple of days we have done quite a bit of work on our form work. We have gone from having all the string lines set up to getting the footings dug and the form work cut out and set up. There wasn't really a lot involved in getting this done but instead we just had to get stuck into it. While doing this i learned quite a bit and thanks to my group listening to paul we were able to make our form work really strong.

When we weren't doing the practical were in the class room doing the construction sequence and we also had a few assessments to get through as well. On wednesday we had a test on powder actuated tools, yesterday we had a test on wall framing and today we had 2 on cladding. In the powder actuated tools test i got 79 percent and i dont know how i did in the others.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Over the last 2 days we have been focusing on form work. To start with we went out the back of the Tafe where there is plenty of room and set up a boundary with a string line and used a fence as the second boundary. After that we decided which plan we were going to follow and put a stake in the ground a few metres from each boundary. We made that the back corner of the house. From that we came forward the overall distance of the house and came in the same distance from the boundary and put a stake. Once we had the 2 stakes it got tricky because the fence at the back wasn't straight so we had to get the 2 overall lengths and use pythagoras to find exactly where the other back corner would sit after that the last point was easy.

Once we had all four points we came back of each stake and put pegs in the ground for hurdles but before we put the cross pieces on we went 170mm up on the hieghest point and then used the level to get them all the same. As soon as the hurdles were up we went about marking exactly where the ouside walls would sit. At first i found it really easy but when we came back and made sure every thing was right we came into problems. We started changing things and in the end it turned out we were changing the wrong things but as soon as the back wall was squared up using pythagoras and everything was adjusted again it all worked out good.

Once the outside walls were done we started putting in more hurdles for the other walls and before long the outline was all stringed out. I felt that i was really switched on during this step but i dont think it would of made a difference if we didn't have pythagoras. i learned that pythagoras is the most accurate way to make a right angle and the bigger the triangle the more accurate still.